Friday, May 3, 2024

Trump and the Christian fascists

Let us openly defy the liberal establishment, which will not save us, to demand and fight for economic reparations for the poor and the working class.

Student loan giant’s lost paperwork results in thousands of dismissed loans

The lost paperwork is further evidence that the loan-industry complex is disinterested in acting on behalf of their student-borrowers.

The Trump administration’s dangerous plans for “America’s backyard”

The last thing these countries need is a further escalation of violence and new approaches for dealing with what is in large part a youth problem need to be put forward.

College was once free and for the public good – What happened?

Students didn’t have to worry about tuition and debt until higher education became more about personal gain than contributing to society.

Bernie fights to oppose new dirty energy bill

“Our job is to move away from fossil fuels toward sustainable energy and energy efficiency,” Sanders said in a statement. “This bill does the opposite.”

Africa: The next global economic frontier?

This vividly shows that the wealth of Africa is in the hands of the exploiting non-producing class which takes advantage of the exploited producing class.

In the last 40 years CEO pay has risen by 937% while worker wages...

America’s inequality problem continues to be the worst in the industrialized world. 

Don’t trust business with education

Greasy politicians use education funds to enrich corporations – and themselves.

Exxon fined $2M for ‘reckless disregard’ of sanctions during Tillerson era

When secretary of state was CEO of ExxonMobil, says Treasury, the oil giant showed a "reckless disregard" for sanctions

Trump team, ALEC, Koch Industries debate gerrymandering the US Senate in Denver

Right-wing extremists want to roll back the clock to enable Republican state houses and Republican governors to hijack at least 10 U.S. Senate Seats held by Democrats.