Monday, June 17, 2024

Why the DNC’s Superdelegate reforms were a major victory for the Sanders wing

This package of reforms is just a starting point for a wholesale transformation of the party.

Progressive Briefing for Tuesday, August 28

Student loan watchdog quits, progressives launch campaign against Kavanaugh, air pollution harms cognitive performance, and more.

Progressive coalition pressures Senate Democrats demanding their opposition to Brett Kavanaugh

"Democratic senators should be united in opposition to Kavanaugh, instead of letting Republican senators ram through the confirmation of a nominee who was selected to protect the president from prosecution."

Sanders backers win major reforms as Democratic Nat’l Committee votes to limit superdelegate power

Democrats voted to vastly reduce the power of superdelegates in choosing the party’s presidential nominee.

Nothing Donald Trump can do will drive his voters away: If last week didn’t...

Multiple convictions of his inner circle, with more coming. Personal insults to a Republican hero. Nothing changes

Victory in superdelegates fight means: Grassroots can win

Leadership must come from the grassroots. That’s how superdelegates met their long-overdue demise.

How the Trump Foundation illustrates the limits of charity regulations

Private foundations have a responsibility to do more than merely comply with tax laws in a technical sense. They have a duty to serve public, not private, interests.

Scoring Trump’s tax cuts so far: $280k for rich lawmakers, pennies for working people

Very few businesses have raised wages thanks to corporate tax cuts, but executives and lawmakers are buying new yachts.

Sanctions backfire: US is being left behind

At present, the United States is waging an economic World War targeting much of the world economy, including allies who refuse to comply with U.S. mandates.

Progressive Briefing for Monday, August 27

DNC strips superdelegates of power, 70% of Americans support Medicare for All, John McCain dies, and more.