Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Jury awards 4 cents to family of man killed by sheriff’s deputy

“I think they were trying to insult the case,” the family’s lawyer, John Phillips, added. “Why go there with the $1? That was the hurtful part.”

Funding evil in Afghanistan (and beyond)

It may seem cynical to say so, but after almost 18 years of occupation, it sometimes seems that an entire country, one of the poorest in the world, has been turned into a kind of live fire training ground for U.S. and allied forces.

17 governors renew climate pledges on anniversary of Trump’s Paris Accord retreat

The governors of sixteen states and Puerto Rico that make up the U.S. Climate Alliance recommitted their pledges to the Paris agreement and announced a new wave of initiatives to accelerate and scale up climate action.

Candidates backing Medicare For All come out victorious in primaries

Candidates supporting Medicare For All are beating their party-backed opponents in both red and blues states.

Why the only answer is to break up the biggest Wall Street banks

Why should banks ever be permitted to use peoples’ bank deposits – insured by the federal government – to place risky bets on the banks’ own behalf?

No sympathy for the devils

The old adage (I’m lying. I just made it up) of “If you believe there is a devil, then you must believe there is a God too.”

Voter turnout is everything

Voter turnout will determine who wins control of Congress next November, and who becomes president in 2020. Turnout is everything.

‘Net Neutrality is here to stay:’ California Senate passes SB 822

"We’re trying to adopt the protections that the FCC abandoned.”

Trump’s Korean shell game

The U.S. and North Korean leaders are both playing a long con designed to maintain their own short-term political survival.

A Wall Street sin tax

It's time to put the Wall Street tax back on the table.