Thursday, April 18, 2024

He can dish it out

Transactional Trump gives offense without thinking about it, lies when it’s handy, and of course when any of that is pointed out he fumes and strikes out.

Unforced error: President Trump tears up the Iran Nuclear Deal

The one surefire way to strengthen the worst, most reactionary elements in the country is to create a situation where most of its people feel the need to rally around the flag.

Double suckers conned by belligerent stunts, not life benefits

The most enduring, scariest threat to America remains the suckered Republican base, first blind to getting campaign-snookered, now so defensive or shamed they can't admit the comic/tragic Trump hustle.

Down the memory hole

Trump’s strategic assault on democracy, word by word.

Real corruption: The Scott Pruitt story

But the real corruption– a corruption that is literally killing us – will be around for a long time to come, unless the American people demand that it stop.

The Bolton administration has already begun

The hard-right national security adviser successfully tanked the Iran deal. His next target? The North Korea talks.

Senate saves net neutrality, now onto the House

“Today’s vote is a sign that the fight for internet freedom is far from over."

Hypocritical Democratic Senator announces support for Haspel’s nomination

Besides Sen. Mark Warner, Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin, Joe Donnelly, and Heidi Heitkamp have announced their support for Haspel’s nomination.

The Pentagon can’t account for $21 trillion (that’s not a typo)

It seems vaguely upsetting, but you forget about it 15 seconds later because … what else is there to do?