Saturday, May 4, 2024

What Must Bernie Do To Break Out?

While Sanders has done extremely well, still harder tasks remain. Apparently, being honest, realistic, well-informed, nearly gaffe-free, and compassionate aren’t enough. The “easy” voters are in his camp. How does he widen and energize a larger movement?

Progressive Briefing for Friday, October 12

Law students launch nationwide strike against illegitimate justice, Chinese intel officer arrested and charged with economic espionage, Enbridge Pipeline explosion forces First Nations community to flee, and more.

What does an “America-first” foreign policy actually mean?

Putting the U.S. military first, second, and third.

Something Is Happening

Sanders' populist surge naturally intrigues a wide range of free-thinking, truth-seeking voters, but we are being warned by the Democratic hierarchy that the only way to ward off a Donald Trump-Ted Cruz presidency is to set aside our populist idealism this year and stick with Barack Obama-style.

After the March for Science, keep moving

This weekend’s march is a start. A climate scientist urges us to follow through in our personal lives as well as in our community.

A Bold Shift to Make Public Schools Serve Poor Students

Last year, New York City began turning schools in poor neighborhoods into community schools—combining rigorous instruction and extracurricular enrichment with a broad social support system.

Poor-Shaming 2.0

Why do Republicans insist on humiliating low-income households when it comes to their qualification for aid to access the Internet? It's shameful that GOP officials continue to demean people in need.

‘Outrageous’: Sanders rips Netanyahu for sending Covid vaccines to foreign allies as Palestinians denied...

The U.S. senator from Vermont denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for sending spare vaccines overseas “while so many Palestinians in the occupied territories are still waiting.”

Despite Global Economy Plummeting Into Despair, Mega Banks Boast All-Time Record Profits

After seven years of benefiting from the greatest transfer of wealth in history, the U.S. banking industry topped it off with record profits in 2015.

The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism

“There is only one way left to blunt the yearning for fascism coalescing around Trump. It is to build, as fast as possible, movements or parties that declare war on corporate power, engage in sustained acts of civil disobedience and seek to reintegrate the disenfranchised—the ‘losers’—back into the economy and political life of the country.”