Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Donald Trump’s strange bro-mances with Duterte and Putin

This might be good business for Trump, but it's a sorry deal for our national interest.

Did Northam’s office try to hide the Dominion executives and lobbyists sitting on his...

A closer look at the people on the transition team reveals that some have been presented in a selective way that fails to mention their various affiliations with Dominion.

2017 elections bring hope for the future

It is too soon to say, but there is one year until the midterms, and many of us are waiting with bated breath.

No more threats: Don’t provoke war with North Korea

Sign the petition to tell President Trump to end the threats towards North Korea.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director announces resignation

Richard Cordray has become the latest high-ranking U.S. official to step aside in frustration with the Trump administration.

Trump’s climate COP-out and the movement it has unleashed

The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is a catastrophe, but it has inspired a whirlwind of bottom-up climate activism.

One monstrosity Trump won’t want his name on

As a developer, Trump made millions and left his partners with the debt. His tax plan is no different.

Trump administration attempts to delay findings on pesticides

Is the pesticide industry running Trump's EPA?

No president should have the authority to launch nuclear weapons

Trump and the nuclear 'football.'

The GOP tax plan is a declaration of war on learning

The transformation the Republicans want would make the nation collectively dumber and much more dependent on profit-making businesses.