Sunday, June 16, 2024

Yearly wrap: Handful of good, loads of bad, onslaughts of ugly

Thus, the ugliest consequence to wasting billions on Pentagon missiles rather than funding education—stupidity—is a greater threat even than climate change.

Amazon, and America’s real divide

What does Amazon’s decisions have to do with America’s political tumult? Turns out, quite a lot.

Could a European Union boycott of Putin’s Oil, with Qatari and UAE help, crash...

Russia could end up paying an extremely high economic price, of a full-blown Great Depression, for its aggressive war on Ukraine.

Michael Moore: ‘Do Not Send Us Bottles of Water. Instead, Join Us in a...

If you want to help Flint, sign the petition, demand that the federal government take action and then get involved yourself, wherever you live, so that this doesn’t happen to you—and so that the people we elect know they can no longer break the law as they rule by fiat or indifference.

A sliver of hope in the Syrian cease-fire

The American military may enjoy the blank check given to them by the Trump Administration, but they may come to regret it when he shifts all of the blame onto their shoulders the moment something goes wrong. 

8 thinkers on the left explain what the midterm results mean for Progressives

“From now on there should be no excuse: anticipating such inevitabilities has to be made an active part of Democratic strategizing.”

Wacko election denial the direct outcome of denying character and competence

When voters made job smarts taboo,/ That shredded the national I.Q.

Tax on global mega-rich could help lift 2.3 billion out of poverty

"During 2021, we witnessed the epidemic of Covid-19 and wealth-hiding, and it's time to reverse course."

How to get universal no-fault insurance and universal healthcare into law

The policy would cover all medical costs (from illness or accident), property damage, and income losses from any incident.

Social Security helped slash elderly poverty to 9.2 percent in the 20th century –...

So if Americans agree that our elders should never again return to having to age in poverty, there are several ways we can shore up the Social Security system.