Thursday, May 23, 2024

Despite flagrant assault on the Capitol, the pillars of democracy are holding

A coup needs legitimacy to be successful. If the goal of seizing the Capitol was to gain legitimacy, the action backfired spectacularly.

Throwing Public Education Under the Bus

Now the small-minded budget slashers won’t even pay for bus rides? It's time we invest fully in public education to get the future we want for our children.

GOP Health care bill dies once again after two more Republicans withdraw their support

Senators Jerry Moran and Mike Lee just put the nail in the coffin.

USDA releases final GMO labeling standards

"Most studies have shown that consumers expect highly processed ingredients to be labeled and many food manufacturers want to provide that information."

This park in India is shooting poachers to protect rhinos

The policy is heavily controversial. Not all of those that have been shot are poachers.

You don’t need a weatherman…

Taken from one of Bob Dylan's songs, Subterranean Homesick Blues, this lyric "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows"...

Trump isn’t just incompetent and his agenda isn’t just bad. It’s evil.

After a year that's brought us closer to nuclear war, ethnic cleansing, and climate catastrophe, it's time to consider that the Trump-GOP agenda may be genuinely evil.

Brett Kavanaugh barely controls his rage in combative testimony denying sexual assault allegations

Judge Kavanaugh repeatedly denied Blasey Ford’s allegations, denouncing her testimony with barely controlled rage and repeatedly choking up with tears in his eyes.

Pruitt emails reveal communications with ALEC and Koch groups

After Pruitt became attorney general, he stayed engaged with ALEC on energy and environmental issues.

Biden needs to go big to rebuild America

While this perfect storm of social, economic, and environmental emergencies may feel unprecedented, Americans during the 1930s faced a similar triple threat.