Monday, June 17, 2024

It Takes a Movement

In short, “the real world we’re living in” right now won’t allow fundamental change of the sort we need. It takes a movement.

Moneyed Elites Get Richer the Old-Fashioned Way: Stealing

Financial and political elites have been rigging the system for the enrichment of the few and the impoverishment of the many. Don't be fooled, these thieves are stealing from all of us.

Senate Democrats Introduce We The People Act Seeking to Reverse Citizens United

“We all have a right to know who’s behind the microphone.”

…‘Wrapped in a flag…’

That is always how fascism operates. You find scapegoats to pin the blame on and off you go... right to the poorhouse.

Even War Has Rules

Hospital attacks in Yemen and Kunduz have not been mentioned in any of the U.S. presidential debates or forums so far. We need a full investigation of these crimes, to hold those responsible accountable.

Biden’s balancing act: Navigating offshore oil leasing amid climate concerns

The impact of Biden's offshore oil policy on climate goals and energy dynamics.

The student-built website that keeps government climate data safe

Since Trump’s election, scientists have been scrambling to save climate change data sets. And one Michigan graduate student thought the more copies, the better.

Trump’s record win in Iowa: A resounding echo in American politics

Donald Trump's victory in Iowa was not just a win, but a sweeping triumph surpassing the previous record set by Bob Dole in 1988.

Heirloom Non-GMO Corn Is Helping Sustain Mexico’s Heritage and Farmers

Mexico, particularly the southern state of Oaxaca, is known as the birthplace of corn.

How Jeff Sessions profited from introducing a fracking exemption for drinking water rules

It remains to be seen whether Sessions will face questions about his support for the S.724 (“the Halliburton Loophole”) or his Energen stock sell-off.