Saturday, May 25, 2024

Banishing DREAMers: The meanness isn’t just Trump

Tens of millions of Americans – many aging and white – are willing to sabotage young people rather than to accept racial diversity.

Why We Shouldn’t Pay for the Political Spending of Federal Contractors

When government contractors spend money, the American taxpayer has to foot the bill. There should be a restriction on all political activities by corporations getting more than half their income from the federal government.

The Rigging of the American Market

The national debate about widening inequality only focuses on taxing the rich to redistribute their income downward. But what about the upward redistributions hidden inside the market from the rest of the rich?

Here are some of the climate-linked disasters and rollbacks Trump’s ‘environmental leadership’ speech didn’t...

“It's fitting that President Trump is promoting his awful environmental record on the same day that the White House is flooding after a historic storm.”

AUSTERITY 101: The Three Reasons Republican Deficit Hawks Are Wrong (Video)

As Congress debates another federal budget deficit, the national debt and the debt ceiling, here are three reasons why the Republican deficit hawks are wrong and the one economically sound answer to the problem.

Life IS cheap these days, but GOP thuggery is getting damned expensive

For the dim and benighted (including the Donald), politics has become anything but a profitable grift road to riches.

Joe Biden needs an intervention: An open letter to DNC Chair Tom Perez

Whatever trust has been rebuilt over the last three years is now being damaged by your refusal, as DNC chair, to speak up for party democracy in the states where it is now under threat.

Flash: White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany tells the truth

Could a Covid-19 infection act like a sodium pentathol injection?

Indecent stock market boom exposes riot-inducing inequality, not economic positives

Can enough discredited craziness end up teaching, “Everybody does better when everybody does better"?

Biden’s EPA accused of yielding to industry over gas-fired power plants

The Biden administration faces criticism for delaying crucial regulations on gas-fired power plants, raising concerns about the commitment to environmental promises.