Saturday, June 15, 2024

Trump announces plan to cancel pay raises for civilian workers across the federal government

"Congress can and must stand up to the President and reject this assault on our federal workers by passing the 1.9 percent pay raise that the Senate approved on August 1.”

The public banking revolution is upon us

A century after the very successful Bank of North Dakota proved the model, the time has finally come to apply it across the country.


The significance of Ukraine’s struggle certainly doesn’t lie in educating Americans, but perhaps it is finally making us reckon with the costs of war, as we’ve needed to do for so long.

Canada will welcome refugees the U.S. is turning away

“The Prime Minister is looking forward to discussing the successes of Canada’s immigration and refugee policy with the President when they next speak.”

Betrayed Again, This Time By Unconvincing Arguments For The TPP

The TPP reflects the flawed economics and arrogant politics of Wall Street and the national security establishment that has betrayed working people.

As US officially quits Paris Accord amid election uncertainty, progressives say ‘make this disastrous...

“The U.S. exit from the Paris agreement is a shameful act and is especially cruel at a time when the world is reeling from devastating disasters worsened by climate change.”

STUDY: How TV news ignores the prescription drug price problem

A Media Matters review of weekday evening news coverage reveals the evening programs largely ignored the problem of escalating prescription drug prices.

Jack Teixeira, US Airman First Class, faces 15 years in prison for leaking Pentagon...

The leaked documents "revealed U.S. assessments of the war in Ukraine as well as sensitive secrets about American allies."

Leading Democrats are way behind the public on health care

60 percent of Americans support single payer health care. So why is the party leadership dragging its feet?

‘Thoughts and prayers to the NRA’: Reviled gun lobby group files for Chapter 11...

"The NRA's claimed financial status has finally met its moral status: bankrupt."