Tuesday, May 21, 2024

CNN’s Sanders hit piece doesn’t pass the smell test

Sanders is clearly alarming powerful elements of America’s ruling elite.

Nuclear disarmament should be a top 2020 campaign issue but is being ignored

With none of the major presidential candidates raising this kind of nuclear disarmament program, it is up to the US peace movement and Green Party candidates up and down the ticket to inject these demands into the 2020 elections.

9 conservative myths about corporations

Capitalism and corporations are only as good as we design the system to be.

North Dakota oil spill vastly underestimated as Trump approves KXL

On Jan. 24, President Trump signed an executive order making it easier for both the Keystone XL and the DAPL to go forward.

His own worst enemy, Trump drowns in his own swamp

Thus does Trump bring down the very doom and gloom, if not carnage, on himself invoked by his own lies and fear-mongering.

Greed Kings of 2014: How They Stole from Us

The theft of society's wealth may be due to ignorance as well as to greed. Why are we wrongly being advised that the best way to defuse the situation is to teach tolerance for inequality?

A Spoilt Deal: How a Dispute Over Dairy Helped Sidetrack the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Whether one agrees with its supply management system or not, Canada's lack of subsidies for dairy producers would suddenly become very problematic once the TPP goes into effect.

CDC eviction ban ended by Supreme Court: Four questions about its impact answered by...

The ruling, by a divided court, said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its authority in continuing a moratorium on evictions after Congress failed to pass new legislation.

To Stop Climate Change, Don’t Just Cut Carbon. Redistribute Wealth.

Climate disruption is inextricably linked to economic inequality. Serious climate solutions must be, too.

The State Department suspends Trump’s Muslim ban

The sudden halt of his immigration order has given Trump his first glance as to the limits of his presidential power.