Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act and the battle against government spying

The FANFSA, passed with a 219-199 vote, garnered support from both sides of the aisle, with 96 Democrats and 123 Republicans backing the bill.

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Talks About Her Plan to Get People to Accept GMOs

Watch Hillary Clinton explain at a Biotech convention her plan to change the narrative of how GMOs are promoted to the public in order to get their support.

Why so many journalists are clueless about the Bernie 2020 Campaign

The elite-oriented atmosphere of media aversion to Sanders is in sync with media disregard for the power of community-based activism that could result in a Sanders presidency.

Mnuchin flips tax-scam grift, hopes nobody notices

He and his cronies are on track to win twice – with tax cuts and stock payouts that benefit the wealthiest among us – while most Americans are destined to lose.

Media silent as poll workers contract COVID-19 at primaries that DNC, Biden campaign claimed...

And instead of reporting on this urgent story, the media have enabled this dangerous behavior.

RNC Chair: Nobody Cares How Awful Trump Has Been to Women

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and the rest of the Republican Party have decided to embrace Trump and all that he says.

COVID-19 and the end of autocrats

The outbreak of COVID-19 initially looked like a gift to autocrats around the world — until they botched it.

What it means that Hillary Clinton might Run for president in 2020

Whether or not Hillary Clinton runs for president again, Clintonism is a political blight with huge staying power.

Indiana Officials are Trying to Block Almost 45,000 Black Citizens from Voting

Police raided the largest voter registration drive in the state with the lowest voter turnout in the country.

Socialist Labour Party candidate Jeremy Corbyn closes 20% poll gap to deny Tories a...

It’s an astonishing reversal of fortune, and also a lesson in the importance of standing up for ordinary people.