Monday, May 27, 2024

In the First Debate, The People’s Issues Came Second

We got a show. But not the answers we deserve.

Buttigieg and Biden are masters of evasion

It’s understandable that corporate-backed candidates don’t want to be cornered by questions that touch on realities of political and economic power.

TrumpCare dies, XL flies and the secret winner is…

It is the bending of Trump by the hands of the poisonously greedy Brothers Koch that brings the fascist corporatist state one day closer.

Bernie Sanders Seeks to Cut Carbon Emissions by 80%

“What the scientists tell us is that we have a relatively short window of opportunity to bring about the fundamental changes that we need in our global energy system to transform our energy system."

Four Americans Who Should Be Crying Out For Socialism

For consumers, and for children, minorities, the sick and disabled, and all victims of severe inequality, a continuation of Reagan/Clinton capitalism will lead to little improvement.

‘Gangster in the White House’: Noam Chomsky on COVID-19, WHO, China, Gaza and global...

“This is typical behavior of autocrats and dictators. When you make colossal errors which are killing thousands of people, find somebody else to blame.”

The truth about the Trump economy

Instead of an “economic boom,” most Americans are experiencing declines in all these dimensions of their lives.

James O’Keefe III: political committee created in his name is ‘fraudulent’

Anyone filing false information could face FEC fines or even criminal penalties, although the government has traditionally been reluctant to put resources into such cases.

How Jeff Sessions profited from introducing a fracking exemption for drinking water rules

It remains to be seen whether Sessions will face questions about his support for the S.724 (“the Halliburton Loophole”) or his Energen stock sell-off.

Kenya Burns 106 Tons Of Ivory

“A time has come when we must take a stand and the stand is clear…Kenya is making a statement that for us ivory is worthless unless it is on our elephants,” Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya’s current president said.