Thursday, May 9, 2024

Mission Impossible

Keeping Track of U.S. Special Ops in Africa.

Cleaning Up After Pundits

While the incitement of anti-immigrant prejudice for political gain is shameful and socially explosive, it is certainly not new or uncommon in our country.

A Message to Working People on Labor Day from a Former Labor Secretary

Change is slow, and at times seems hopeless. But change is inevitable. Do not wait for politicians to take the lead. We are the leaders.

Fox News’ Presidential Debate Moderator: “It’s Not My Job to be a Truth Squad”

Wallace says he is “proud to be a representative of Fox” and believes his selection will help fight the belief that Fox is a “right-wing network” that “favors Republicans.”

Spiffed-up & Combed-over, Trump’s Breakthrough — as Rich White Trash— Lets a Billionaire Hug...

Thus Trump campaigns like a redneck, white trash billionaire, even though that term defies logic, history and reason. But then his benighted audience, with nods to white supremacy, isn’t expert at logic, history or reason. Not getting truly educated, thus not able to keep themselves informed, elevates emotion over thinking, thus making them vulnerable to a hustler who does PT Barnum proud.

Labor Day 2050: How Global Warming Threatens Labor Productivity

Higher CO2 levels directly harm human cognition.

This Labor Day, Let’s Look at Ways Green Energy Is Helping Americans

The fuel for solar and wind is free. At some point in the next 50 years, installation will be done or inexpensive, and the fuel will be gratis. The average worker will likely experience the equivalent of a 6% raise as a result.

Resistance Spreading Like Water Across The Great Plains

In the coming weeks we have our day in court, and we are optimistic that a federal judge will agree with us that our peaceful exercise of free speech and civil disobedience is legal and cannot be restrained.

The New York Times’ False Foreign Policy Narratives

Fortunately, there are those -- who receive very little high-profile media ink -- that challenge the purpose and priorities of our twinned economic and physical wars. But they deserve allies in media – who don’t just seek to promote the lesser evil – but a world worthy of our humanity and of our potential.

The Intellectuals We Abandon

"One of the many cruelties of corporate capitalism is that it has abandoned the poor and, among them, the gifted intellectuals I teach."