Saturday, May 4, 2024

Why Kingian democratic socialism is the best path forward for the progressive left

On the anniversary of his assassination, Martin Luther King’s full radical vision is still the best guide for how to lead America to the promised land.

Net neutrality defenders announce ‘epic final protest’ to demand Congress repeal FCC rollback before...

"Our best chance to save #NetNeutrality is by filing the CRA before December 10th."

Look! Up in the sky! Another colossal waste of our society’s talents and skills!

Our richest can now fly halfway round the world with their circadian rhythms totally intact.

Wall Street’s Threat to the American Middle Class

It's nice that presidential aspirants are talking about rebuilding America’s middle class. But in order to do so, they have to take direct aim at Wall Street, the ones that finance their campaigns.

The Paris Pact might save the climate from Trump

Because of their leadership, the climate might be able to withstand what havoc Trump may wreak.

What President Biden won’t touch

Maybe foreign policy, sacred cows, and the U.S. military?

Building tenant power with the Housing Justice for All Coalition

States should do anything they can to reduce the barrier between renters and homeowners—and fight for a society where all people are treated equally regardless of if they own property or not.

Report: EPA hires 12 more bodyguards for Pruitt, costing $2M annually for full security...

Meanwhile, President Trump's budget blueprint would cut the EPA's funds by more than 30 percent.

Catastrophic antibiotic threat from food

As with improper and excessive pesticide use, the abuse of antibiotics is mainly of concern when it affects national reputations abroad and related export earnings.