Monday, June 17, 2024

The two 500 lb. gorillas in the room

Who needs the super rich? I don’t. Do you?

A second Trump presidency: A blueprint for unprecedented executive power

Trump articulates a blueprint for an administration that could profoundly reshape the governance and global stance of the United States.

American Insurrection: Deadly far-right extremism from Charlottesville to Capitol attack. What next?

Since 2015, right-wing extremists have been involved in 267 plots or attacks, leading to 91 deaths.

Corporate Tax “Shell Game” Report: $718 Billion Of Corporate Tax-Dodging

The solution is for Congress to end the “deferral” loophole and make these companies just pay the taxes they owe.

‘Appalling criminal conduct’: California GOP accused of operating fake ‘official’ ballot drop boxes

"California Republicans are allegedly creating fake drop boxes and tricking voters into depositing their ballots in them."

Invasion of the Empire’s Pods

“The empire’s pods have subjugated our populace into believing in this Amerikan Exceptionalism that allows it to get away with phony pre-emptive wars and occupations.”

A nationwide campaign to take back cities from the corporations that rule them

“How do we learn from each other, share wisdom, share tactics, share strategies, and look at ways we can combine forces at key moments?”

Let them suck Sikorskys, let them eat pork

The Pentagon consumes more fossil fuel than any other entity on Earth.

No sympathy for the devils

The old adage (I’m lying. I just made it up) of “If you believe there is a devil, then you must believe there is a God too.”

Is Trump-Bashing Good for the Media?

It seems that a candidate whose words and deeds are so far beyond the pale have finally awoken the press to the truth-squadding that is its job.