Sunday, May 26, 2024

Amid spike in civilian deaths from U.S. strikes, Trump requests lifting policy limiting casualties

U.S. airstrikes has been escalating since Donald Trump took office two months ago.

The bailout is working—for the rich

If the health crisis does not pass quickly, or if the economy does not roar back, the Fed’s actions might prove inadequate.

“Blackwater’s youngest victim”: 9-year-old Ali Kinani was among victims of Trump’s pardoned killers

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said the decision violates, quote, “the values of justice, human rights and rule of law” and, quote, “ignores the dignity of the victims,” unquote.

Life at Trump speed

A world traveling at Trump speed is, to use the president’s own words (and punctuation), “a very dangerous place!”

The new Know-Nothings and why we must impeach

Join us to demand that our republic be restored, that lawmakers choose the path of courage, and vote for impeachment now.

Senate GOP slammed for allowing eviction moratorium to expire, putting millions of US families...

"As a result of the Senate's failure to act, then leaving town, millions of vulnerable renters now stand on the brink of homelessness."

Trump EPA claims new power plant rule would improve health of minority and low-income...

Media are missing the environmental justice story behind Trump's Affordable Clean Energy rule.

Trump’s wars

No more money to finance the Afghan political and military mess unless Trump or whoever is in charge can tell us why it's worth more of America's blood and treasure to be there.

The Trans Pacific Partnership Is a Threat to All Progressive Causes

The Trans Pacific Partnership embodies the worst aspects of American Empire.

No sympathy for the devils

The old adage (I’m lying. I just made it up) of “If you believe there is a devil, then you must believe there is a God too.”