Thursday, May 16, 2024

What’s being compromised?

It’s not the priorities of the wealthy, that’s for sure.

Trump planning to run in 2024? From his jail cell?

This guy is a political crook that has been allowed to run free—so far.

Chicken Little Was NO Fool!

“For years many astute writers have warned us about this Military Industrial Empire... and only a minority of Americans would listen. Ever wonder why?”

Favorite son? Eduardo Bolsonaro and the growing internationalism of the far right

One of the progressive left’s strengths has always been a willingness to offer support and learn from others around the globe, it's a mistake to cede internationalism to a xenophobic, ‘western culture’ obsessed right.

The biggest infrastructure project of all: Rebuilding a crumbling US government

The most important part of an infrastructure program would be to restore the principles of ethics and morality into the minds of our Congressional representatives.

Obama Not Only Did Not Pay Ransom to Iran, He Denied That Country Billions...

It was just a coincidence that one of the tranches of the repayment to Iran of Iran’s own money coincided with the release of hostages.

Landmark win in ‘Fight for Habitable Future’ as jury refuses to convict climate activists...

"We need to take note of the lessons learned by the labor movement—mass civil disobedience works. The climate crisis is a workers issue, we need to unite to shut down business as usual. Right now."

Democracy: On the precipice?

If we extrapolate from the current trend lines, democracy will be gone in a couple decades, melted away like the polar ice. But although down, democracy is not out.

“Financial elder abuse charges” against Trump. Business as usual in DC.

Donald Trump’s abuses and excesses cannot be normalized.