Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The dark [k]night of Donald Trump

Weapons, warriors, and fear as the new order in America

The Empowerment of Women Will Be Central to Realising Sustainable Global Development

Listening to, and valuing, grassroots women's knowledge and experience will help to shape progress towards 2030 that is good for people, the planet and gender equality.

A progressive revival: Cleveland, Preston and municipal social democracy

One of the progressive left’s goals has to be to empower citizens and this is most easily done at the local level.

The war in Ukraine, diplomacy and the progressive left

Solidarity across borders could allow us to work together to find solutions to the problems we face in common like hunger in our own countries and the global south and the existential risk of climate change.

These billionaires received taxpayer-funded stimulus checks during the pandemic

IRS records reveal that 18 billionaires and some 250 other ultrawealthy people received aid intended to help middle-class Americans.

Nevada Lawmaker: It’s Okay To Aim Guns At Cops If They Aim At You...

"Whether you’re a stranger, a bad guy, or an officer, and you point your gun at me and you’re gonna shoot me and I have to decide whether it’s my life or your life, I choose my life.”

The writing’s on the wall: We can take back this country

The writing is on the wall. The people have spoken. This momentum is going to help us take back this country.

Five Glaring Trump Contradictions that Drive Away Key Centrists

Trump is a walking, talking contradiction machine: a guy drenched in money pitching working class crowds who think they deserve more but, instead of getting retrained, blame minorities for “stealing their jobs, if not “their country.” Where else but in America would the “people’s billionaire,” selling out his campaign in an NY second, look the aggrieved masses in the face and promise the moon: jobs galore, great salaries and perks, lower taxes, and more security against all foes? And all delivered just for voting Trump. Long elections mean contradictions eventually come home to roost.

Solidarity – plus 10 other reasons women showed up to march

The Women’s March illustrated what a wide variety of issues women will have in the years ahead with Donald Trump.

Mock candidate, then so-called president, now real cult leader of the chaos clan

What makes Trump dangerous is how well he leveraged his celebrity cult of personality into a potent political cult of personality. That’s why he reduces all of politics to person-to-person relationships with leaders, as with Putin.