Sunday, May 5, 2024

Impeachment, Bernie’s surge, and the upcoming State of the Union

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich launches a new talk show, The Common Good, and discusses the latest on impeachment.

10 reasons the US should stick with the Iran nuclear deal

Toying with a serious nuclear agreement to influence Iran in other areas is simply irresponsible and dangerous.

Trumping Europe? Steve Bannon’s manufactured ‘movement’

The new reality is that progressives, here in North America as in Europe, must fight on two fronts simultaneously.

Hill Republicans: Trump is fritzing out

"He’s losing it fast. My betting is he’s out of office before the midterms. And Pence is president."

The next phase in Bernie’s revolution has already begun

The fight for Prop 61 in California could be a watershed moment in American health care.

‘We vote, we win!’ under assault by Trump’s GOP and Supreme Court, unions lead...

"Things aren't changing for the better like they thought would happen. Real wages are not keeping pace with inflation. We haven't replaced the well-paying manufacturing jobs that we lost."

Donald Trump’s deepest fraud?

Without a doubt, the aristocracies of the U.S. and of all of its allied countries want this type of world government, even though it would hurt the publics everywhere.

After Trump

Trumpism will continue after Trump loses. The open question is whether anything good can be salvaged from its wreckage.

The great depression, coronavirus style

Crashes, then and now...

Democrats call for review of Trump’s expenses and national security violations

Politicians are asking for a thorough review of Trump’s apparent lax security protocols at Mar-a-Lago.