Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The impediment to productivity growth: Waste that makes some people rich

In principle we want as few people employed in the health insurance industry as possible, we want people to be able to get health care, not to have insurers block their path.

Join the Spreading Rebellion Against Big Money’s Political Game

It's time we, the people, get Big Money out of politics. One group called the New Hampshire Rebellion is bird-dogging presidential candidates in that state to demand action. Join in or start your own rebellion to end this corruption.

Substance over spectacle: How progressivism won the first two rounds of Democratic debates

With the first two rounds of Democratic debates having passed, and with a long pause before the next round on ABC and Univision on September 12th (there may be two nights again, depending on how many candidates...

Veni, Vidi, Tweeti (I came, I saw, I tweeted)

Someday, if people ask the obvious question – not who lost Afghanistan, but who lost America? – keep all those failed imperial wars and the national security state that went with them in mind when you try to answer.

It’s Time to Free Students from Debt

"Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife." It's time we free students from debt and create a new debt-free democracy.

How to make the holidays happier for the Postal Service

Now it’s time for Congress to deliver by passing the Postal Reform Act and urging USPS leaders to focus on innovations to better serve all Americans for generations to come.

Arizona Representative: “Let’s Be Clear – Voter Suppression Happened”

Long lines and a reduced number of polling stations left voters in line well past poll closing times. But was the clear voter suppression intentional?

Bernie Sanders calls for ‘boldest legislation in history’ to halt spiraling COVID-19 catastrophe

"Senator Sanders' economic rescue principles speak to the bold, fast action needed to protect and support people and prevent corporations from consolidating economic and political power amidst a crisis."

Scott Pruitt’s unjustified personal security cost taxpayers over $3.5 million: EPA audit

Over just 11 months in 2017, Pruitt racked up millions – on the taxpayers’ dime – on his own personal security.