Saturday, May 4, 2024

The ‘Private Property’ Chokehold on Equality

How extraordinary that the glaring oppression of private property remains the invisible elephant in the room. Who doubts how many huge “private” fortunes accumulate by passing huge liabilities from “externalities” (pollution, waste, disease, ruinous landscapes) onto public shoulders? Hold manufacturing liabilities to impeccable business logic, not what lobbyist influence-peddling frees them to get away with. How long can the commons survive when our most affluent free-loaders are not only “too big to fail” but “too immune to pay their own way”?

Putin proposes, Trump disposes

Since the Cold War, the U.S. and Russia have experienced unexpected reversals in fortune. Are we next in line for post-imperial decline?

About that $900 you gave Pentagon contractors

This tax season, I’d rather fund green jobs and disease control than jets that spontaneously combust. Wouldn’t you?

The GOP has nothing to offer on inflation

Price controls? Antitrust action? No to both.

The Supreme Court Wasn’t Designed For This Political Heat

The confrontation over selecting a successor to Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court shows how politicized our courts have become, exposing judicial decisions as political choices rather than legal ones.

Facing 17 ethics investigations and a subpoena from House Dems, Ryan Zinke set to...

"As the new Congress comes into session, Democrats must dig into the corruption at Trump's Interior Department that exploits our lands and waters for the benefit of corporate profits instead of the American people."

He can dish it out

Transactional Trump gives offense without thinking about it, lies when it’s handy, and of course when any of that is pointed out he fumes and strikes out.

Epigrams on the Trump slump: The nightmare fades

Justice for this disgraced messiah is conviction as pariah.

Donald Trump may not be Herbert Hoover

A graduation speech for an Age of Collapse from Tom Engelhardt.

Democrats implore Biden to reject ‘callous and inhumane’ migrant family detention

"Putting children and their parents behind barbed wire to deter them from seeking safety should shock the conscience of every American who believes in fairness, safety, and basic human dignity for all people."