Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #3: Expand Social Security

U.S. senior citizens who paid into Social Security their whole lives deserve to reap the benefits from it upon retirement. If the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes this would not even be an issue to discuss.

Debacle at Doha

In announcing the kingdom’s new economic blueprint on April 25th, Prince Mohammed vowed to liberate the country from its “addiction” to oil.”

Moneyed Elites Get Richer the Old-Fashioned Way: Stealing

Financial and political elites have been rigging the system for the enrichment of the few and the impoverishment of the many. Don't be fooled, these thieves are stealing from all of us.

Disaster recovery should heal, not divide, our communities

It’s time to redefine disaster recovery.

The fault dear citizens…

Anyone who has to work for the man, in any manner, should finally conclude that these two parties don't give a rat's ass about you... Period!

Challenges for resolving complex conflicts

If we do not dramatically and quickly improve our individual and collective capacity to resolve conflicts nonviolently, including when we are dealing with individuals who are insane, then one day relatively soon we will share the fate of those 200 species of life we drove to extinction today.

Working for a real mad man

The military stood up to Donald Trump. Who will now stand up to the military?

How tear gas became a favorite weapon of US border patrol, despite being banned...

Border authorities’ use of tear gas has spiked under the Trump administration, with the agency’s own data revealing it has deployed tear gas over two dozen times this year alone.

The end of Trump’s Fifth Avenue

Trump is in effect standing in the middle of 5th Avenue, killing Americans.

Trump’s shareholder bonanza

Make no mistake: Trump and the Republicans are working on behalf of America’s biggest and richest investors, not American workers.