Saturday, May 4, 2024

The case for obstruction of justice

There’s already more than enough evidence of probable cause to begin that impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump.

What Iowa Did for Bernie Sanders

The “virtual tie” between Sanders and Clinton was the result of several coin tosses when 6 precincts came to a tie. So what's next for the Sanders campaign?

Why unions matter to you

It all comes down to the balance of power between business and workers.

Everything that rises must converge: AOC and Bernie Sanders chart the course to a...

With a continued willingness to listen to and learn from activists and explain their ideas to voters, these new leaders, along with the few true progressives in Congress like Senator Sanders who were traditionally kept out of the conversation, could build the kind of left that the United States and the world desperately needs.

Time to defeat Trump — without make-believe about Biden

“With another Trump presidency, the left would have few options and could face new levels of government repression.”

Republican Congressman Says He’s Had Enough Of Trump, Will Vote For Clinton

“I think Trump is a national embarrassment. Is he really the guy you want to have the nuclear codes?”

Usable madness

Usable lying and other well-intended “adjustments” of the truth have opened up the door for many further troubling innovations . . .

Let the war begin: Trump versus the House Democrats and – America and its...

This war he initiated is against the House Democrats and is based on political issues. But its also against this nation’s democracy and the people of America.

Congressional Democrats rally against Biden-approved Willow Project in Alaska

As the legal challenges continue, the fate of the Willow Project remains a pivotal issue at the intersection of climate policy, Indigenous rights, and U.S. energy strategy.

States sue against net neutrality as Senate support of repeal grows to 50 votes

21 U.S. state attorney generals just filed suit against the FCC on Tuesday.