Thursday, May 2, 2024

Meet the “People’s Action 22”: Candidates Fighting For All Of Us

They will work to make sure our democracy is power for those who don’t have it – to hold accountable those who use their power only to maximize their profits.

The American chaos machine

U.S. foreign policy goes off the rails.


What will happen when Trump takes office? It’s scary to many. I hope we can all ponder and prepare.

Another lawmaker resigns after sexual harassment accusations

Seven women, who are all current or former aides at the Alaska Capitol, reported the unwanted sexual advances.

Stunning news! President will present a sweeping plan to combat domestic terrorism

But do we hear any in-depth discussions relative to the measures which need to be taken to bring this situation under control?

Trump’s 2020 election strategy in 25 steps

Memo to America: Beware Trump’s playbook. Spread the truth. Stay vigilant. Fight for our democracy.

A marriage made in hell: Trump, Bannon and “the Muslim ban”

Trump and his inner circle seem intent on using the cudgel of the executive to diminish the clout of the judiciary and the Congress.

Elizabeth Warren blocks Trump’s pick for CFPB Director until release of Zero-Tolerance documents

“I urge my colleagues in the Senate to reject this highly cynical nomination.”

Ivanka Trump dumps fashion brand after her father issues security clearance threat

By drawing attention to security clearances and potential conflicts of interest, Trump’s attack against the intelligence community appeared to backfire against his own family and administration.

Argentina Senate votes against legalizing abortion

The support for pro-abortion rights legislation won't fade away and activists will continue to push for the passing of such a bill to happen one day soon.