Friday, July 26, 2024

VIDEO: 6 Times U.S. Government Excluded Millions Based on Race or Religion

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and other bigots on the far right are nothing new in American history.

The Sanders Polling Anomaly

New polling shows that Sanders presents Democratic voters with the existential choice of attempting to at least start digging out of the corrupt plutocracy, or instead burrowing in even deeper with another Clinton.

Time is Money: Building Local Solidarity Through Time Banking

Time Banking is easy to understand in terms of the way we already work and, with a little enthusiasm, these programs are relatively uncomplicated to set up and manage.

Top Climate Expert: Crisis is Worse Than We Think & Scientists Are Self-Censoring to...

The climate crisis is more severe than even many scientists have acknowledged. Climate expert Kevin Anderson says many scientists are self-censoring their work to downplay the severity of the climate crisis.

Look Who’s Buying American Democracy

How much more evidence do we need that our system is in crisis? How long before we make it work for all of us instead of a handful at the top? We must not let them buy our democracy.

Bernie Sanders Wins TIME Readers’ Poll for Person of the Year, Still Snubbed from...

Bernie Sanders won the people's vote - coming in first for the TIME Readers' poll for person of the year. So why didn't TIME include him on the shortlist of final candidates?

Airstrikes Against Syria are a Trap, Warns Former ISIS Hostage Nicolas Hénin

French journalist Nicolas Hénin, who was held hostage by ISIS inside Syria for 10 months, makes an impassioned plea against bombing Syria.

The Sleaze, Guilt and Punishment of Don Blankenship

Lord Don has taken a great fall, as he was ousted as CEO in 2010, and then finally, last week, was convicted for the conspiracy that led to the needless deaths of those 29 miners.

Apocalyptic Capitalism

The Paris climate summit, dominated by the economic and political forces that are driving us toward destruction, will end with the usual empty rhetoric and a continued assault on the ecosystem.

Emperor Weather

for the moment, it seems, humanity still has the chance to write its own history in a fashion that would allow for a perhaps less welcoming but still reasonably palatable world for our children and grandchildren to live in. And be glad of that.