Friday, July 26, 2024

Roof, Dear and Tashfeen Malik: The Double Standard for ‘Self-Radicalized Lone-Wolf Terrorists’

Is a vague organizational affiliation more important in determining whether a killing is terrorism or is the character of the target more important?

Activists Dragged Out of Climate Expo for Protesting Corporate Influence over COP21 Negotiations

On Friday, climate activists gathered at the Grand Palais in Paris protesting the COP21 "Solutions" exhibition, where businesses were pushing for corporate and privatized responses to climate change. Several protesters were evicted from the premises by the large security presence at the event.

Candidates for 2015’s “Hypocrite of the Year”

There are so many candidates. But the people included here stand out in their various areas of nefarious behavior: warmaking, tax avoidance, consumer gouging, environmental destruction, and criminal arrogance.

What to Do About Disloyal Corporations

If Pfizer or any other of the American corporations want to leave America to avoid U.S. taxes, that’s their business. But they should no longer get any of the benefits of American citizenship – because they’ve stopped paying for them.

Russia, Putin Take the Offensive, Set the Agenda in Syria

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, is “in the process of setting the agenda in Syria.” It is time nations joined together to figure out a solution to take down ISIS instead of working solo.

Beyond ISIS

For a rich and powerful nation to conclude that it has no choice but to engage in quasi-permanent armed conflict in the far reaches of the planet represents the height of folly. Power confers choice.

VIDEO: Paul Ryan’s 7 Terrible Ideas

Despite the speech’s sweeping oratory and careful stagecraft, Ryan clings to seven dumb ideas that are also cropping up among Republican presidential candidates.

How the NRA Is Harming American Security: Mass Shootings as Serial Terrorism

What must not be lost sight of is that the San Bernardino shooters had legally bought assault rifles, and it was the assault rifles that allowed them to commit this carnage.

Bernie Sanders Calls For Resignations of Officials Who Covered Up Teen’s Death

Bernie Sanders believes the investigation into the death of Laquan McDonald should extend pass the Chicago Police Department - to all elected officials that may have had a hand in covering up the details of his death.

Will Corporate America Confront GOP Climate Denial?

As a matter of policy, the Republican Party obstructs any serious effort to prevent catastrophic climate change. The time is surely coming when the corporate environmentalists will have to confront the Republican Party.