Friday, May 17, 2024

State of Emergency in France: 2,200 Police Raids, 3 Closed Mosques, Hundreds of Muslims...

Under the state of emergency, French police can raid any home without judicial oversight. The vast majority of those targeted in the raids have been Muslim. Watch the interview with Yasser Louati, spokesperson and head of the International Relations Desk for the Collective Against Islamophobia in France.

Standing up to Apple

Instead of criticizing the European Commission for forcing Apple to pay up, American politicians ought to be thanking Europe for standing up to Apple.

Bernie derides Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs

In addition to Sen. Sanders’ condemnation, economist Jeffrey Sachs wrote an op-ed on Friday describing the new steel and aluminum tariffs as the start of a “psychopath’s trade war.”

Why Bernie Sanders’ Brainstorm Shouldn’t Die

While running for office, Sanders backed the idea of using the US Postal Service as an alternative to pay lenders and other expensive fringe financial services.

Chris Christie Refuses to Help Unemployed New Jersey Residents Hold Onto Food Stamps

Thousands of residents in New Jersey will soon lose their food stamps because of Gov. Chris Christie.

Court reaffirms Keystone XL’s non-pipeline construction permit invalid, again

“Constructing pipelines through rivers, streams and wetlands without analyzing the impacts on imperiled species is unconscionable."

Takeaways from the election

Trump is in the White House, but the takeaway from voters in this election is a mandate for progressive economic populism and more diversity among public officials.

Making America great again in a new Wild West

The humanitarian and environmental disaster of Trump’s border wall.

The monstrous predicament Trump left behind

Thankfully, Joe Biden appears to understand this.

Why White House counsel Don McGahn has Donald Trump extremely worried

McGahn talked to Robert Mueller’s team for 30 hours. That’s a huge blow for Trump, and the reasons why run deep.