Friday, April 26, 2024


The story of demagogues is as old as civilization. They have risen and fallen like the tides, always leaving in their wake misery, destruction and death.

Trump’s Russian hand

The dark cloud of illegitimacy continues to grow darker.

How we can fight back against Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency

If we really want to fight Trump, we may have to make these changes without any tax break incentives. We might even have to pay for the privilege.

A victory at Standing Rock, for now

The water protectors will fight "until [they] know for sure that this black snake is dead."

Hillary Clinton’s Inaugural Address

Here’s what we’d like to hear her say before Donald Trump takes office — a call for a shadow government that will watchdog everything he and Congress do.

The mafia state

America’s Snopes-like elites have no external or internal constraints. They are barbarians. We will remove them from power or enter a new dark age.

What the robots are doing to the middle class

We will need a guaranteed income, ideally through guaranteed jobs, with the implementation of a financial transaction tax, and with a commitment to alternative energy infrastructure development.

Bush’s Iraq lies, uncontested, will haunt us under Trump

There is no decision more grave than taking your nation to war. There is nothing more criminal than basing that war on lies.

Trump’s trickle-down populism

Trickle-down economics dressed in populist garb is still trickle-down economics.

How to save the planet from President Trump

It’s quite possible that we’ve lost our best chance to combat climate change, writes Bill McKibben, but we must try to contain the damage.