Friday, May 3, 2024

The absurd amount of entitlements that go to rich people

Wealthy Americans complain about ‘entitlements’ for the poor, but they keep collecting their own entitlements, to a degree that average Americans can only dream about.

Reign of idiots

Trump embodies the essence of this decayed, intellectually bankrupt and immoral world.

The authoritarian president

The U.S. Constitution was created to stop authoritarians like Donald Trump.

How the Russia spin got so much torque

Tone deaf hardly describes the severe political impairment of those who insist that denouncing Russia will be key to the Democratic Party’s political fortunes.

No U.S. war on North Korea

An optimistic perspective on a scary crisis.

The grifters do ‘tax reform’

If you're a working-class or middle-class taxpayer, this "reform" offers nothing except uncertainty.

Yes, Obama’s $400,000 speech is a problem

What’s to be done? Run candidates who have no interest in flattering the ultra-wealthy or becoming wealthy themselves.

The drastic effects of Donald Trump’s reversal of Obama-era climate regulations

Under Trump the emissions will rise, and so will the damage to future generations.

Forget Andrew Jackson. The Right thinks Trump is Calvin Coolidge!

Comparisons are odious, and contrary to conservative opinion, Noisy Donald Trump is no Silent Cal.