Friday, May 3, 2024

Congress Must Take Action to Block Weapon Sales to Saudi Arabia

Congress has thirty days to block the sale of these weapons. It is a moral imperative that they do so.

Escalating the War on Low-Income Families

It may not improve much next year, if House Republicans have their way.

Trump’s Estate Tax: An Aristocrat’s Gift to His Friends and Family

Trump won’t fight for the little guy. He’s only fighting for himself, and for the privileged boys and girls who are the only peer group he has ever cared about.

Seeds of Democratic Revolution in Ethiopia: Thousands March Against the Ruling Regime

Such violent, crude methods will only succeed for so long: eventually the people will unite and revolt, as they are now doing, and all strength to their cause, which is wholly just.

For Future Summer Olympics, Climate Change Is No Game

At the U.S. Olympic marathon trials held in Los Angeles to choose the team for the Rio Olympic Games this year, 30 percent of the runners dropped out of the race due to the heat. It will be even worse 4 years from now.

Will The “Fix the Debt” Manipulators Ever Reform Themselves?

Desperation is no excuse for bad behavior. It’s wrong to deceive and manipulate the public for selfish ends.

Aetna Shows Why We Need a Single Payer

Two choice are emerging: one is a public single-payer system. The other is a hugely-expensive for-profit oligopoly with the market power to charge high prices even to healthy people – and to charge sick people an arm and a leg.

Donnie’s Little Lies are Huuuuuge

What a maverick! What a shake-'em-up outsider! What an anti-establishment fighter for working stiffs! Oh, and don't forget this: What a phony!

Workers of the Future, Unite

We need to prepare for a future in which advances in productivity – from technology or other sources – are shared more equally than they are today.

Donald Trump and the Extreme Vetting of Muslims

Trump hopes for a bounce in the polls via this ugly religious bigotry. Here's to hoping that Americans are better than that.