Saturday, April 27, 2024

To Joe Biden, Trump’s potential successor Mike Pence “is a decent guy”

When Joe Biden told an audience that Mike Pence “is a decent guy,” Pence had already been vice president for more than...

What was the point of Soleimani’s assassination?

The Trump regime had no authority to assassinate a senior Iranian general. Nor did it have a reason to do so, except to reap revenge upon his past acts.

Driving the Trump rampage: Making the unacceptable acceptable

In Trump's crooked model, only total power allows an autocrat to achieve the highest goal: make what was before unacceptable seem acceptable, staunch public resistance by damned.

Politicians and sexual aggression

With the sort of voting power women have, it seems strange that they haven’t forced both major political parties to deal with the problem.

The collective shame of global hunger

An estimated 700 million people go hungry every day.

The global cry for change

Billions of people throughout the world are desperate for change, for freedom, social justice, greater democracy and environmental action.

There’s only one essential role humans have on Earth—a humbler perspective could save the...

While the world’s oceans, nonhuman animals, and plants play starring roles in sustaining our ecosystem, why are we so bent on sabotaging it?

Struggling Democrats snub Trump’s core lesson: Winners address the emotionalism of voters

If the Democrats cannot bridge their plausible domestic agenda with a convincing, majority belief system, the future will lurch from crisis to crisis—or worse.

As coup evidence mounts, progressives eye Georgia to jail Trump, not feds

The January 6 committee, Justice Department, and activists are diverging.

How Green Energy Is Already Taking Over the World (Video)

These kinds of developments are happening all over the world where Big Oil, unlike in America, can’t hog the microphone.