Thursday, May 9, 2024

Introducing Glencore, Rapacious Global Lord

Let's meet one of the most powerful of these lords of rapacious global capitalism — Glencore.

Can Trump, Scorning Campaign Wisdom, Do the Impossible — Change Gears?

Must Hillary Do More Than ‘Be Presidential’ & Avoid Epic Blunders? How Long Will Trump’s Hot-air Entertainment Balloon Stay Aloft? Do Cheap Shots, Empty Sloganeering and Selfie Stardom Inform a Triumphant Nationwide Campaign?

The Ethical Rot of Wells Fargo, From the Top Down

What's at work here is the ethical rot that now consumes America's entire corporate system.

SCOTUS: Saving the Republic or the Republicans?

The Supreme Court's decision not to repeal the Affordable Care Act was “good news for the Republican Party, who were facing the prospect of being responsible for those millions losing their coverage." Now they won't look so bad.

‘Dr. Evil’ Turns Out to be ‘Dr. Silly’

Rick Berman is a "wholly unprincipled little man" who takes corporations dollars by offering to do their dirty PR work. While he continues taking secret funding from major corporations, he's become know as "Dr. Silly" for clownish and bombastic traits.

Free as you can afford to be

GOP leaders want to protect your "freedom" to be poor, powerless, sick, and uninsured.

The tax bill is a lifeline for Democrats. Will they sink or swim?

For Democrats to win in 2018 and 2020, they’ll need to do more than tie this bill around the Republicans’ ankles and hope they sink.

Reasons for optimism

Whenever privilege and power conspire to pull us backward, we eventually rally and move forward.

AOC endorses Bernie

The October Democratic debate was noteworthy because all of the candidates did a good job.  Some were, of course, better than others,...

For corporate media, it’s ‘anybody but Sanders or Warren’

History is unfolding in real-time. It’s not a product on the media shelf, to be passively bought and consumed.