Sunday, May 5, 2024

There won’t be another Jimmy Breslin, but we need more like him in the...

It's not that good journalists aren't out there, they just don't get published.

One year after Khashoggi’s brutal murder: Business as usual?

Heinous. Savage. Ghastly. It’s hard to find the words to describe the act of luring journalist Jamal Khashoggi into a Saudi consulate...

Why we need to ban college legacy admissions

A big reason rich kids have such an advantage is so-called “legacy admissions”—the preference elite schools give to family members of alumni.

Climate Deniers, Like Big Tobacco, Thrive Behind a Smoke Screen of Doubt

Just like the tobacco industry, the fossil-fuel industry is denying the science of climate change and working full speed to derail any progress by marketing its primary product: doubt.

When A ‘Tax Bonanza’ Is Actually A Huge Corporate Tax Break

Make these tax-dodging corporations pay the taxes they owe. They don’t deserve a huge tax break, they deserve a huge fine. Simple as that.

New Year’s Resolutions: Ten Ways to Combat Upward Redistribution of Income

The one percent pretend that their good fortune was the result of the natural workings of the market. Is it possible to change the structure of the market so that money doesn’t continue to flow upward?

Wall Street’s Threat to the American Middle Class

It's nice that presidential aspirants are talking about rebuilding America’s middle class. But in order to do so, they have to take direct aim at Wall Street, the ones that finance their campaigns.

Would a Berniecrat have won Ossoff’s Georgia race?

Democrats must turn sharply left on both economic and social issues if they are to have a chance of regaining Congress in the future. 

Biggest solar-and-battery installation in world, at Darwin, Australia, to power Singapore 3,000 miles away

Australia has lots of wilderness (the center of the continent is virtually uninhabited) and lots of sunshine, so it is an ideal producer of solar energy.

They’re talking a better game, but will the Democrats fight?

Although it may make some conflict-avoidant Democrats uncomfortable to admit it, they – and all of us – have a war to win.