Sunday, May 19, 2024

There won’t be another Jimmy Breslin, but we need more like him in the...

It's not that good journalists aren't out there, they just don't get published.

Biggest solar-and-battery installation in world, at Darwin, Australia, to power Singapore 3,000 miles away

Australia has lots of wilderness (the center of the continent is virtually uninhabited) and lots of sunshine, so it is an ideal producer of solar energy.

They’re talking a better game, but will the Democrats fight?

Although it may make some conflict-avoidant Democrats uncomfortable to admit it, they – and all of us – have a war to win.

Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime for a CEO?

Corporate honchos say taxes are “forcing” them to relocate their businesses to offshore tax havens.

Would a Berniecrat have won Ossoff’s Georgia race?

Democrats must turn sharply left on both economic and social issues if they are to have a chance of regaining Congress in the future. 

Is it Watergate yet?

We can hope that this administration's attempts to bully the press corps will not only fail, but backfire.

Climate change: The catastrophic impact on developing countries

There is an alternative way to ‘reduce vulnerability’ for the poorest people in the world, and that is by the rich nations sharing what they have, and what the Earth provides more equitably amongst everyone.

Now’s the time for Medicare for all

It's either expensive health care for the few, or affordable health care for the many.

Harassment and assault of Jewish college students isn’t free speech, and it’s not ‘nuanced’–it’s...

Excuses made by university presidents of Harvard, Penn, and MIT represent criminal negligence of duty. So, why are the presidents of top Ivies offering such pitifully inadequate excuses? Perhaps it has more to do with foreign gifts to their endowments.

The Fed’s inflation mistake continues

Most of the pain is borne by people who are already struggling to keep up with rising prices: lower-wage workers and the poor.