Monday, May 13, 2024

Trump hides behind the storm

As Hurricane Harvey raged, the president tried to use the disaster as cover. It may have worked.

One nation, in sickness and in health

Time and again, "repeal and replace" has proven to be a farce. Let's focus on the hard work of true reform and get health care for all.

Why are there more mass killings on Trump’s watch than before?

If there are more right-wing extremists, then the Trump rhetoric is promoting their violent acts, not dissuading them.

How Trump’s trade policies failed workers

Bad trade costs millions of American jobs. Trump’s brand of deal-making won’t bring them back.

Whatcha we gonna do?

Unity between Biden and Sanders is possible. Unity is the way to defeat Trump and bring change to America.

Triumph of the shills

It's beginning to seem like history is simultaneously repeating itself as both tragedy and farce.

Taking Back Our Finance System

A nationwide campaign, Take on Wall Street, is putting the people back at the table for a change.

Trump’s Russian hand

The dark cloud of illegitimacy continues to grow darker.

In the age of Trumpian reaction, is MLK’s legacy to the 99 percent being...

This is why we need the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., today more than ever.

Malcolm X Was Right About America

We are the nation Malcolm X knew us to be and our "refusal to face the truth about empire" has created the nightmare Malcolm predicted. Did he better understand the inner workings of the empire?