Monday, May 20, 2024

How the National Endowment for Democracy Manufactures Regime Change Around the World

To most people the National Endowment for Democracy, probably looks like a pretty innocuous organization. But when you examine the records of those who control it and its affiliates, it starts to look like they’re running a shadow foreign policy, sometimes acting in ways that are contrary to the wishes of the powers that be in Washington.

Five Great American Hypocrisies

Which of the American 'exceptionalism' is most outrageous and destructive? Paul Buchheit discusses the top five hypocrisies of the super-patriots willing to overlook their own faults as they place themselves above other people.

The Specter of an American Police State Looms Over America

When this powerful law enforcement entity fully emerges then all the talk about the 2nd Amendment and the right to “Keep and bear arms” will become irrelevant because we will all be living in an American police state.

Why a Tax on Wall Street Trades is an Even Better Idea Than You...

Wall Street claims that the tax would burden small investors such as as retirees, business owners and average savers. Wrong.

Why Bernie Needs To Take Satan’s Advice & Create An Un-Christian Coalition

In this week’s Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Election Crimes Bulletin, Dennis J. Bernstein and Greg Palast explain how Bernie can take a tip from Satan’s playbook and seize this moment to create one hell of a powerful a movement!

Why Isn’t the Media Feeling the Bern?

Polls show that Bernie Sanders would trounce Donald Trump, but you’d never know that from watching TV news.

Opus Dei: Supreme indecency, extreme deceit

The Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson is only the beginning, as anti-abortion activists and GOP-led extremists mobilize to assault a wide range of rights.

Exit polls vs machine counts or, how you might rig a primary

These kinds of large disparities between the exit polls and the machine counts might be dismissed as an anomaly but so many cases in so many states should probably have raised alarm bells.

Signs of a Dying Society

While Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning and John Kiriakou are vilified for revealing vital information about spying and bombing and torture, a man who...

Why Bernie Will, Should and Must Stay in the Race

Bernie has substantively — even profoundly — changed American politics for the better.