Sunday, June 16, 2024

Is This The Return Of U.S. ‘Gunboat Diplomacy’ Serving Corporations?

Has the “Swiss” firm Novartis becomes the 21st-century version of United Fruit and ITT?

Populism is not about mobs, anti-government rants or opinion polls

It's necessary to restate the solid principles of populism and reassert its true spirit.

Round table on current US foreign policy: Militarism unhinged

How would you assess the most important aspects of current U.S. foreign policy?

Contradictions negate Lady Liberty’s message

Today’s anti-immigration anger is revoking the generous promises we identify with Lady Liberty.

The Five Principles of Patriotism

True patriots seek to confirm and strengthen and celebrate the “we” in “we the people of the United States.”

The rise of the centibillionaires!

If you think wealth and power are too concentrated in the hands of a privileged few now, just imagine what a few more years of trickle-down nonsense will bring.

The same old monster, with an orange face

If there is one small silver lining to this, it’s that it could create an opening for a more radical alternative to grow in opposition to the Republican sweep.

Clinton Should Ask Obama To Withdraw The TPP

Candidate Clinton has an opportunity to address her TPP credibility problem by asking Obama to withdraw TPP from consideration by Congress.

Ten uplifting teaching moments from President Fiasco

How to achieve peace in our time, universal happiness, and healthy goodwill towards our neighbor.

Amidst Burgeoning Wealth, Market Driven Homelessness in London

Whether someone is destitute because they are an asylum seeker waiting for Home Office support, a divorced man who cannot cover his rent, someone with alcohol or drug concerns, or a young woman out of work, without savings, homelessness is not a crime