Saturday, May 25, 2024

Two massacres? Disturbing accusations in the wake of Kabul airport bombings

The attacks were used by interventionist pundits in English speaking countries as an excuse to postpone the end of the almost 20 year NATO occupation.

Creating a spectacle of slaughter at the movies

Ambush at Kamikaze Pass.

Killing me softly with militarism

The decay of democracy in America.

That other war

This conflict will not be televised.

Rising child fatalities in Gaza amid starvation and medical shortages

Amidst the rubble of conflict, Gaza's youngest bear the brunt of an escalating humanitarian crisis, with malnutrition and lack of medical aid claiming innocent lives.

The age of great expectations and the great void

History after “the end of history.”

Time for the U.S. to Lay Down the Law to Israel; Enough is Enough

With all that said, this is a country which America should now put in its place, it must lay down the law and make it clear to the leaders of Israel that the U.S. will no longer be guided in any way by its dictates and demands.

Coal is in a death spiral as India cancels new plants and solar prices...

The renewable energy sector in India already accounts for 60,000 jobs, and will add a similar number by 2022.

Violent coup fails in Nicaragua, US continues regime change efforts

Peace and justice advocates must be grounded in anti-imperialism and nonintervention by the United States.

Investigation: As US-backed war in Yemen raged, UAE hired US mercenaries to kill Yemeni...

“There was a targeted assassination program in Yemen. I was running it.”