Monday, June 17, 2024

Doubling Down on a Failed Strategy

Expanding the base infrastructure in the Greater Middle East will only perpetuate a militarized foreign policy premised on assumptions about the efficacy of war that should have been discredited long ago.

Let’s Talk About Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia

U.S. activists must follow the example of our European allies and demand that our government stop supplying the Saudi rulers with weapons to bomb civilians in Yemen and repress its own citizens.

The Age of Disintegration

Neoliberalism, Interventionism, the Resource Curse, and a Fragmenting World

Epic Middle East Heat Wave is Being Compared to Weapon of Mass Destruction

Temperatures in the Middle East have reached record heights leaving scientists worried about the future.

U.S. in the Middle East: Where You Don’t Belong You Must Not Stay

The U.S. should not be in the Middle East, but the U.S. government will not be pulling out troops when there is still oil and natural gas there. At some point in time, other countries will get so tired of this endless war they will step in to put an end to it.

Trump’s policy catastrophe

Trump is neglecting or worsening five genuinely big problems facing America. Why is he doing these things?

Federal judge orders military to accept transgender troops at the start of the new...

“This is a complete victory for our plaintiffs and all transgender service members, who are now once again able to serve on equal terms and without the threat of being discharged.”

Goodbye to all that

Leaving the madness of Army life with a modest pension and all of my limbs intact feels like a genuine escape.

UN ceasefire defines war as a non-essential activity

War is a luxury that the Secretary General says we must manage without for a while.

Reflections on Vietnam and Iraq

The lessons of two failed wars...