Monday, June 17, 2024

Should we bomb Syria (or Afghanistan or anywhere)? You’re asking the wrong question

Critics of nonviolence say that option is the prerogative of the privileged. But actually it’s the other way around.

Media silence as Venezuela sits on verge of revolution

Venezuela, a country with only $10 billion left in reserves to run on, is in trouble.

The honeymoon of the generals

Or why Trump’s wars should seem so familiar.

In God (and Trump) we trust… With monster bombs!!

I just don't think he blessed that Monster Bomb or all the other WMDs that your tax money is paying for... instead of better roads, infrastructure, health care...

Syrian war for dummies – Three versions

Three versions of the conflict are presented here and the reader can choose the one that makes the most sense.
A picture of Kim Jong Un

Trump vs. Kim Jong Un: Two loose cannons, a monumental nightmare in the making

Trump and his generals better be very careful before deciding to launch a pre-emptive strike.

Murder as messaging

Under Trump, U.S. foreign policy hits violent new lows.

Mad bombers just so 20th century

Help us impeach this Tweeting Nuclear Option—and for Trump the nuclear option is not REPEAT NOT a metaphor.

How to lose the next war in the Middle East

The short answer: Fight it!

Noam Chomsky: The real effect of the recent U.S. bombings in Syria and Afghanistan

In a clip from a recent talk at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Chomsky discusses the Trump administration’s recent military strikes on Syria and Afghanistan.