Sunday, June 16, 2024

Are Sanders and Warren throwing a lifeline to the military-industrial complex?

Without a genuine commitment to peace and disarmament, the next president will find him- or herself caught in the same bind as Obama and Trump.

Nuclear disarmament should be a top 2020 campaign issue but is being ignored

With none of the major presidential candidates raising this kind of nuclear disarmament program, it is up to the US peace movement and Green Party candidates up and down the ticket to inject these demands into the 2020 elections.

Trickle down, wealth tax, and war

The central advantage to a wealth tax is that it spreads the power to spend wealth throughout the society and thereby can better the society if done in an appropriate way.

“What does war have to do with me?”

Sometimes war sounds like the harsh crack of gunfire and sometimes like the whisper of the wind. This early morning -- in...

Will the U.S. launch yet another unnecessary, unjustifiable war in the Middle East?

The definition of insanity: doing the same things over again and expecting a different result. Want a really good example of this...

Bernie warns the ‘drums of war are beating in Washington again’

"The US is strong enough to deal with these issues diplomatically, working with allies around the world, and that is what we should be doing."

US sanctions: Economic sabotage that is deadly, illegal and ineffective

Global condemnation should also focus on the country responsible for the deadly, illegal and ineffective economic warfare at the heart of this crisis: the United States.

Funding of human needs must be front and center: Coalition asks presidential candidates to...

We need bold leadership to break the hold of what President Eisenhower deemed 'the military-industrial complex.'"

Pardoning war criminals is a monstrous way to honor Memorial Day

Glorifying serial killer-type behavior most service members would find appalling is a strange way to honor them.

‘Dramatic repercussions:’ Retired US generals warn Trump against war with Iran

"The protection of U.S. national interests in the Middle East and the safety of our friends and allies requires thoughtful statesmanship and aggressive diplomacy rather than unnecessary armed conflict."