Sunday, May 26, 2024

Tag: 2016 Presidential Elections

Associated Press Declared Victory for Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders

Mainstream media is jumping the gun when announcing Hillary is the winning DNC nominee.

Bringing Back Bill

“Hillary promises that her former-president husband will be put ‘in charge of revitalizing the economy.’”

Trump Responds to Accusations of Racism With Fake Photo of Black...

“A recent survey found Trump is viewed unfavorably by 86% of black voters and 75% of Latinos.”

The Opportunist and the Fanatics

How long will the marriage of convenience between the opportunist Donald Trump and the fanatics of the NRA last?

Donald Trump Says There is No Drought in California

Trump claims California is not in a drought and will open up water to farmers if he is elected president.

Looming Trump Whoppers: What If We Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet?

Winning will not make Trump curb his media-driven excesses -- or think less of his matchless, instinctive brilliance. Au contraire. Does not Trump’s attention-getting gimmickry demand ever more outlandish bellowing? That suggests worse is yet to come. So let’s take current Trumpery to its “logical” extension. Does not understanding Trumpism advance by imagining his first State of the Union address?

Senate Democrats Considering Replacing DNC Chair

Democrats discuss whether to #DumpDebbie from her position as chairperson of the Democratic National Committee.

Without A Political Revolution America Cannot Achieve True Greatness

In order to restore American greatness, we must go through a political revolution.

Democrats Can’t Unite Unless Wasserman Schultz Goes!

The Democratic National Committee chair has thrown fuel on the flames of infighting just as the party faces a critical November election.

The Alaska Democratic Convention Just Rejected Superdelegates

Alaska has followed in the footsteps on Maine and has abolished the superdelegate system.


Low-life Supremes openly break supreme perfidy records

Without term limits and strong ethics log,/ Our fate mimics that water-boiled frog.

Sanders and Omar push to end $17 billion in fossil fuel subsidies with new...

Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Ilhan Omar reintroduce legislation to eliminate federal subsidies for fossil fuel companies, aiming to save taxpayers $170 billion over the next decade.

FCC proposes mandating AI disclosure in political ads to safeguard election integrity

This move aims to enhance transparency and protect voters from deceptive practices.

Smotrich proposes financial sanctions and settlement expansion in response to Palestinian state recognition

The far-right minister outlined six immediate steps to target the Palestinian Authority (PA) following the recognition by Spain, Norway, and Ireland.

Historic ITLOS ruling: Greenhouse gas emissions classified as marine pollution in landmark decision

This landmark ruling obligates countries to take all necessary measures to prevent global temperature rise above 1.5°C, marking a significant step forward in the fight against climate change and the protection of marine environments.