Friday, February 7, 2025

Tag: community

How community schools are helping a hard-hit city dig out of...

Rocked by vanishing industries and charter school expansions, Erie public schools are fighting back with a “transformative” education approach.

How Oregon is turning the page on America’s disastrous drug war

“Our immediate focus is to ensure every Oregonian knows these critical harm reduction and recovery services are being invested in and expanded so that they will be available to anyone who wants and needs them, and that they can feel comfortable and safe accessing them.”

How an ancient irrigation method makes sustainable life possible in the...

Time-proven acequia irrigation systems already in use in New Mexico make it possible for people to thrive in arid regions.

Imagining New York in 2050: How a flood-prone metropolis could win...

Econo-diversity makes cities resilient in times of crisis.

You’ll know an economic and social justice plan is serious if...

A new report on the solidarity economy details how investments in culture can support economic and racial justice.

In Minnesota’s ‘most diverse city,’ schools are addressing the community’s deep...

Educators use the community schools approach to tackle underlying causes of disparities that show up in classrooms.

USDA may allow genetically modified trees to be released into the...

A genetically engineered chestnut tree may be the first to spread into forests, setting dangerous global precedents.

Where the Federal government’s charter school program went wrong

The program gives millions to schools that disrupt rather than improve a system of public education that needs to serve all students.

BlackRock stakeholders do not consent to bankrolling violence

As BlackRock has boisterously taken up the mantle of sustainable investing, it must do more to shepherd us into a peace-based economy.

Community-based farms rise to the occasion as big food supply chains...

Organic CSA farms like Massaro in Connecticut have been able to nimbly reorient marketing and production to serve the urgent needs of their communities.


White House announces 53rd state!

"Mr. President, are there any plans for a 53rd state now that stars for Canada and Gaza have been officially added to the flag?"

Renaming The Gulf of Mexico isn’t a laughing matter but part of a US...

It reflects a disregard for historical truth, an aggressive assertion of U.S. superiority, and the continuation of exploitative colonialist practices that harm both the environment and Latin American people.

Trump administration orders USDA and Forest Service to remove climate change references, suppressing critical...

The systematic erasure of climate change information from government websites threatens scientific transparency, public safety, and environmental policy.

Google abandons AI ethics pledge as Trump pushes for military AI expansion

“Is this as terrifying as it sounds?”

Tesla paid zero federal income tax in 2024 while GOP pushes more corporate tax...

Musk’s trillion-dollar company paid nothing in federal taxes while working Americans foot the bill.