Tag: hunger
As hunger soars across nation, US trade & foreign policy is...
Hunger was already at alarming levels in the U.S. before the pandemic, and it’s only gotten worse.
Only the poor starve: Hunger in the time of COVID
The World Food Program (WFP) warns that, “millions of civilians living in conflict-scarred nations, including many women and children, face being pushed to the brink of starvation, with the spectra of famine a very real and dangerous possibility.”
Bon Jovi feeds the hungry opening the doors to his third...
"What this restaurant is truly meant to do is empower."
Paying farmers fairly could curb climate change and hunger
Parity is at the core of agriculture’s potential to address overproduction.
Latin America backslides in struggle to reach zero hunger goal
"More than five million children in Latin America are permanently malnourished. In a continent of abundant food, a continent of upper-middle- and high-income countries, five million children ... It's unacceptable."
In the race to achieve zero hunger and mitigate climate change,...
"In the race to beat food insecurity, achieve zero hunger, and address climate change, we must pay attention to the soil."
More of the world’s population is facing food insecurity than ever...
Now, roughly 11 percent of the world's population is facing food insecurity.
Facing famine, 20 million people need food, not bombs
Famine in these four countries is avoidable.
The plant-based solution to hunger
Poverty, malnutrition, and hunger are a result of politics, not scarcity.