Tag: immigration
SB 4 lawsuit: Texas immigration law violates U.S. constitution
“Not only will SB 4 lead to wholesale racial profiling, it is so vaguely written that local officials and law enforcement agencies are essentially left to guess whether their policies and practices would violate the law.”
Giving a voice to the real targets of crime vs. silencing...
Human rights are critical. But they are being used to target and exploit minorities in a power grab, while ignoring the real facts.
Making sense of the deportation debate
How Bill Clinton and Barack Obama laid the groundwork for Trump’s immigration policies.
These kids used their spring break to protest Trump
Last week, hundreds of young people from around the country traveled to Washington, D.C. to stand up for their families and demonstrate against Trump’s immigrant policies.
The coming Muslim century: Bad news for Steve Bannon
Countries that welcome immigrants will grow and be economically vibrant.
Immigration crackdown sparks Silicon Valley protests
“We hope the event not only sends a message, but creates new opportunities for the low-wage, largely immigrant subcontractors.”
Soiling and violating America: Trump’s immigration sweep
This entire issue has been distorted into an ugly hate-fest by the smear campaign Trump ran to win the presidency.
Watch the unedited version of “Trump’s wall” Super Bowl ad that...
According to the building supplies business, the intent was to illustrate the company’s commitment to the great American tradition of immigration – not make an overt political statement.
The problem isn’t Trump, it’s bigger
While we resist, we also need to promote a positive agenda of what we want to see.
Are we heading toward a constitutional crisis over immigration?
Does the potential exist for a direct conflict between two branches of government?