Tag: taxes
Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime for a CEO?
Corporate honchos say taxes are “forcing” them to relocate their businesses to offshore tax havens.
Should Big Corporations Pay the Taxes They Owe?
I would trust a pack of coyotes to guard my little herd of lambs before I'd trust a pack of corporate hucksters to "reform" America's tax code.
The Rigging of the American Market
The national debate about widening inequality only focuses on taxing the rich to redistribute their income downward. But what about the upward redistributions hidden inside the market from the rest of the rich?
How to Steal from the Taxpayers While Blaming the Poor
As poor Americans continue to get blamed for being poor, it's the free-market system that pays them too little to avoid being dependent on the safety net—the vicious circle of hypocrisy.
Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #4: Bust Up Wall Street
Wall Street is back to many of its old tricks. But the bigger they get, the more likely it is that the government will bail them out if they get into trouble again. So what needs to be done to tame Wall Street?
Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #3: Expand Social Security
U.S. senior citizens who paid into Social Security their whole lives deserve to reap the benefits from it upon retirement. If the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes this would not even be an issue to discuss.
An Escape Hatch for Corporate Cons
While corporate crimes produce horrible injuries, illnesses and deaths, they are almost always settled by fines and payoffs. Why is it that criminal corporate executives are always given a “Get Out of Jail Free” card?
War: Where 69¢ of Each of Your Tax Dollars Goes
A high majority of U.S. tax dollars are not going to schools, universities, parks, roads, science, environment, or health, but to war. In order to shy away from this type of militaristic government, we need a peace president and congress.
An End to 'Mindless Austerity:' Obama Pushes for Taxing the Rich...
President Obama is calling for Congress to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations as a way to fund education and fix America's infrastructure. Could Obama's budget proposal help poor and middle-class families?