Saturday, May 4, 2024

Solar generated 25% of US electricity in April: What this means for renewables

Continued growth in the solar sector is essential to climate change prevention.

If at first you don’t secede

We can negotiate our way to a far more satisfying set of sovereign nation-states. We can do it without bloodshed.

Facebook screws up again

Well, we shall see how Band Together makes out. We’re off to a rough start because Facebook has made it so. Real people are joining us, even if Facebook makes the road difficult.

Working for the Company

If we wish to have the change needed inside of this empire, beginning with the election of our representatives, we need to take ALL PRIVATE MONEY OUT OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS!

It seems Swiss Nationals do not want climate measures

“Switzerland is giving itself a loose meaning of terrorism which makes way for self-assertive police activity.”

Trust Congress? Consider what Smedley Butler said

Congress can be bought today as it was bought then.

Let them suck Sikorskys, let them eat pork

The Pentagon consumes more fossil fuel than any other entity on Earth.

What should progressives be insisting on?

This is going to be a list, borrowed from other lists...

Life imitates art: Does diversity in media have any impact on the real world

Diversity in media is not just impactful, it is essential.

Paraquat: A dangerous chemical still used in the fields of agriculture

Settling the matter in a court of law is essential for people that were exposed to the herbicide paraquat and now have a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis.