Saturday, May 4, 2024

Our American character and you the voter

It is up to us. No one can vote for you and your vote matters—we have seen many elections decided by just a few votes and several decided by a single vote. You are important.


We want a serious change in our federal spending priorities away from destruction to actual human needs.

Nonviolent Revolt in the Twenty-First Century

“If you also wish to be part of the worldwide movement to end violence in all of its forms, you are welcome to sign the online pledge of ‘The People's Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’.”

Follow the leader?

To quote the old adage: An apple never falls far from the tree.

White nationalism and public health

We can start small—sign a petition calling for equity in health care—and think big as we consider the stakes of the 2020 election.

Enough! Facebook needs to curtailed immediately

The “bottom line” is that self-regulation is not only a “joke,” but a complete failure.

The meaning of a job

Robots may seem useful, but they advance unknown dangers to human lives.

The karma of ‘blowback’

Sadly, the greatest recruiting tool for the fanatics out there has been our empire's lies, deceptions, illegal invasions, illegal occupations, massive airstrikes on civilians, and of course Torture!

Nomad America?

In a nutshell, many working stiffs are perhaps a few paychecks away from becoming what I will call Economic Nomads.


“Right now, sadly, we are racing to the bottom. Before we hit it, can we access our big human brains that know how to imagine, to dream, to create workable new paths to peace and prosperity? It is truly up to us.”